The One Thing All Diets Agree On

As a part of my research, I consistently look to find things that contradict my beliefs. I look for ways to prove that the Alkaline Diet doesn’t work, I look for methods which talk about the myth of intermittent fasting. I do this because the world is changing fast, there are many brilliant researchers figuring out new things this very …

The Choice Paralysis: Why We’re Paralysed by Choice & What To Do About it

Look at this situation, have you seen in happen, either with yourself or with someone you know. “I want to go on a Diet.” “Which diet should I choose? “ Perform Google search about best diets to follow. Find a GAZILLION diets. End up confused. Get on with the daily routine of the day and forget about the diet and …

Is The Alkaline Diet Vegan?

Whenever I address a gathering about the Alkaline Diet, someone in the audience almost always asks me this question, “Is the Alkaline Diet Vegan?”. The answer to which is slightly more complicated than Yes or No. Why? This is because of how you categorize the alkaline diet. If you look at it as a diet, then yes, it is vegan …