Cucumbers: The Alkaline Food

Continuing with the theme of the month of alkaline recipes, the veggie* for this week is the cucumber. Alkaline inside and out, cucumbers make for awesome alkaline foods. They are light, fill your tummy and they are alkaline, what more could you ask for? Well, before you say ‘taste’, let me accept the fact that cucumbers don’t taste all that …

Tomatoes Alkaline Possibilities

With the beginning of a new month, let’s go deeper into specific fruits and veggies that we can use every single day in some form or another.It’s never possible to continuously create new recipes and try new veggies, we need to find something that works and repeat it over time. For the first week of May, let’s pick tomatoes, tomatoes are everywhere, …

Forced Cheating

The title maybe surprising, perhaps even curious, but I was forced to eat some foods that I shouldn’t be eating during the last 2 weeks. I had my wisdom teeth extracted, I thought it was a simple procedure, but it involved a general surgeon, and him pulling out my teeth and the consequences, well, eat cold ice cream or curd …

Where Does It Go?

Often times, I get this thought “I don’t have proper info on this.” when I think about the alkaline diet. So I decided to make a post out of this so all the people having the same question will find some solutions and a place to talk about it. Looking at history, anything that is new to this world has …