Hey guys, Although breathing isn’t exactly alkaline or acidic, it has a very important role to play in digestion and in the alkaline lifestyle. Let me take you through some facts about breathing and let’s look at where most people stand in case of breathing. Breathing is the process of taking in oxygen, well, it’s more than that, but we …
Wheatgrass Drink
Wheatgrass is the ultimate in alkaline food, or at least that’s what they say. In my experience, wheatgrass has played a big role in my alkaline diet. Read on and find out. As a bonus, I’ve made a video of the wheatgrass that I use. As a regular routine, I have a wheatgrass drink a couple of times a day. …
Mango: The Alkaline Summer Fruit
This is the last post of the month, it also happens to fall on the last day of the month. To end this streak of posts, let me pick the king of fruits, the Mango. One of the many specialties of summer is the availability of Mangoes. It was quite a surprise to me when I found out that Mangoes …
Forced Cheating
The title maybe surprising, perhaps even curious, but I was forced to eat some foods that I shouldn’t be eating during the last 2 weeks. I had my wisdom teeth extracted, I thought it was a simple procedure, but it involved a general surgeon, and him pulling out my teeth and the consequences, well, eat cold ice cream or curd …
Impact of An Alkaline Diet on Daily Life
A thought dawned on me the other day, I asked myself ‘Why eat Alkaline?’, I found that this is a very important question that most of us have. A question that you must have answered in some way which led to starting or continuing the diet. Let’s look at why we eat alkaline and why we should continue to eat …
Cheat Meals & Solutions
Hey guys, I know that the main interest for anyone is to figure out how to eat clean and most of all, how to resist the urge to eat junk. This post is all about, why, how and what to do now. Why?Before we get into the details of how, let’s first figure out the why, why would anyone not …
Where Does It Go?
Often times, I get this thought “I don’t have proper info on this.” when I think about the alkaline diet. So I decided to make a post out of this so all the people having the same question will find some solutions and a place to talk about it. Looking at history, anything that is new to this world has …